Salisbury high school daymap
Salisbury high school daymap

salisbury high school daymap

We see each and every student as unique, with their own potential – therefore it is our responsibility to help them to achieve their goals.įindon High School is a student-centred learning school, where assistance is provided by all staff to students as they begin to take responsibility for their own decisions, determine their own attitudes and form their own opinions as to what life is all about and the pathway they wish to follow. Our school focus is on guiding every young person through a broad range of learning opportunities to fully develop their skills and capabilities. It is with pleasure that I welcome you to Findon High School. Students may be enrolled for the remainder of the term to ensure they receive the learning support that is needed. The Homework club will also be available to any student who would like some extra support with assessment tasks and their learning.Our vision is to authentically co-create high quality learning experiences for all our students within a collaborative, inclusive and supportive learning community. Homework club: Homework club will run after school every Wednesday for students who are consistently enrolled in TCT sessions. Students can not be enrolled in these sessions as they are voluntary. These will occur separately from learning area TCT sessions. In addition, Mathematics/Science will offer tutoring on Tuesday after school and English/EAL will offer an English Club on Thursday after school. Staff will supervise these sessions and support students in completing assessment tasks. Students will be enrolled by subject teachers in compulsory TCT sessions and will be required to attend, until task completion is achieved. Task Completion Time (TCT) sessions will occur in learning areas, either during lunchtime or after school, for all students in Years 9 & 10 who do not complete assessment tasks. An opportunity to participate in school sports such as: Football, Netball, Basketball, Soccer and Badminton. Opportunities to undertake extra-curricular activities in Instrumental Music, SAT, Youth Opportunities Program, and lunch time activities. Personal Development programs with a focus on Positive Education and Course and career Counselling. Specialist subjects on a rotational basis including: Home Economics, Technology Studies, Digital Technology, Drama, Dance, Art and Languages. Differentiated literacy and numeracy blocks, targeted to meet ability levels for 60 minutes each week. Our teachers cater for the diversity of individual learning needs by offering curriculum flexibility and allowing students and families to be actively involved in the planning process. In years 9 and 10 at Salisbury High School we believe it is imperative that teaching and learning should be worthwhile, engaging and challenging for all students. We acknowledge and celebrate student success across the Middle School.

salisbury high school daymap


We have high expectations that completion is achieved and encourage our learners to take full opportunities/advantage of the programs we offer. Teachers organise rigorous, relevant and engaging learning opportunities to address the individual learning needs of their students. Our learning is based on the Australian Curriculum and we offer a wide range of curriculum including, English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities, Physical Education, as well as a range of elective subjects including: Languages (Italian), Home Economics, Art, Drama, Dance, Technology Studies and Digital Technology.

salisbury high school daymap

Students move through the middle school with the same Care teacher to establish a relationship with a trusted adult at the school and this also allows families to build a strong connection to the Care teacher and the school. Salisbury High School has a well-established Middle School focus for students in Years 9 & 10.

Salisbury high school daymap